okay this is really important like i need this for science, how on earth does kitten get such perfect hair?? it looks so healthy and shiny i'm amazed honestly 😳

hahaha we literally have this question 200 times in our inbox right now and I’ve answered it so many times so I just put it in our FAQ (and thank you so much hehe) - I cut it once a year, I know more frequent trims can be good for hair but I don’t really need it, I don’t use much heat on it like curlers or straighteners, I don’t use any dyes or bleaches on it, and I deep condition it once every two or three weeks (put a fuckton of conditioner in your hair and leave it in for 30-40 minutes and then rinse it out) :)

How does Sir feel about pulling out while wearing a condom? I feel like this is weird to ask a guy to do both. Is it uncomfortable for you to? I'd prefer this but I don't want it to be uncomfortable or weird him.

It’s not weird at all to ask him to do both, Sir will always pull out/wear a condom/both whenever I ask him to, and he fully understands why.  Ask him to do whatever you’re comfortable with; you’re the one who could get pregnant and if he refuses to listen to your opinion or your rules for what you want during sex, don’t have sex with him.  -Us

What are you guys being for Halloween


How does one feel confident about their calves??? I have really BIG muscley calves because I do theater and dance and I use my legs A lot. It's something I'm v insecure about so, tips on body confidence?

IM A DANCER AND I HAVE GIANT ASS MUSCULAR CALVES (i’ll post a silly picture of me actually flexing my calves sometime this week, the poses that I take in many of the pictures I post on here are ones that I know make me look leaner but my muscles are actually pretty muscly and I used to be self conscious about how large my calves were bc skinny jeans are a fucking struggle for dancers) especially from ballet.  U GOT STRONG ASS CALVES GO USE THOSE STRONG ASS CALVES TO BE AN INCREDIBLE DANCER AND ACTOR AND KICK SOME FUCCBOI ASS U ARE STRONG AF AND BEAUTIFUL AS FUCK I KNOW SO MANY PEOPLE WHO WOULD KILL TO HAVE BIG BEAUTIFUL MUSCULAR TONED AF CALVES GIRL LOVE YOUR CALVES THEY ARE COOL AF AND U ARE A STRONG ASS BITCH WITH NICE ASS LEGS THAT ERRYONE WILL BE JEALOUS OF DURING THE SUMMER WHEN U WHIP OUT A CUTE OUTFIT AND SOME CUTE SHOES AND UR STRONG ASS CALVES YES -Kitten

I'm thinking about getting on birth control (i recently had a pregnancy scare and now I'm taking protection seriously). I'm just wondering if you knew the chances of getting pregnant if he ejaculates inside?

As much as we wish we could answer this off the top of our heads, we are not sexual health experts. We give advice based on our own experiences but to all the questions we get like this, to the “what percentage” or “how possible is it” type of questions, we would prefer that you did your own research on the internet - there are many reliable scientific sources on there that very credible and can give you much more accurate information. -Sir and Kitten

Do all littles have to be tiny? As an skinny and small because all the people I see who are little are little in size. Because I'm not tiny like them. Is that okay? You don't have to answer

??? Anyone can be a little, anyone can be a sub or a dom? You can take any role you want in a sexual relationship, it’s not at all what you look like or what your ethnicity is or the shape of your body, taking on a role is just your own personal preference -Sir and Kitten

im vv mad. i just found out that I have an STI, but I've only been with my daddy. weve been having sex for four years and never gotten anything. he says its ridiculous that i think hes cheating. is it?

Okay with this we don’t feel comfortable with giving an opinion since we don’t know any further details in regards to the STI/STD nor more details about both of your prior histories so we will simply state medical facts.

“ManySTIs are spread through contact with infected body fluids such as blood, vaginal fluids, or semen. They can also be spread through contact with infected skin or mucous membranes, such as sores in the mouth. You may be exposed to infected body fluids and skin through vaginal, anal or oral sex”

“Although the health risks associated with STIs affect both women and men, women are disproportionately affected. Women are more likely then are men to have asymptomatic infections, and also have greater biological susceptibility to acquire infections if exposed.”

“Viruses, and bacteria cause the majority of STIs. Bacterial STIs, which include infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, can be cured with antibiotics. Viral STIs, including HPV, herpes, hepatitis, and HIV, cannot be cured, though they can often be treated. ”

“The majority of STI’s are asymptomatic (no symptoms). Asymptomatic infections can be transmitted to sexual partners.”

“Such activity includes vaginal, oral and anal intercourse. Gonorrhea and chlamydia also can be transmitted by fingers to eyes. Can you get an STD without having sex? Yes, some STDs can be transmitted without having sexual intercourse, but it is not common.”


The Possibilities:

- It is possible he contracted it from a prior sexual partner and never has shown symptoms but you did.

- He may have cheated on you


Regardless you two need to have a serious conversation about your relationship, your prior sexual histories, your current preventative measures, and your overall health.

-Sir and Kitten

Do guys/yourself like neck kisses?

I loooveeee neck kisses and Sir loooOOoOOOOOOOOOOOVES neck kisses and they make him super horny((((((: and collarbone hickeyyysssssss -Kitten

I'm really insecure about my stomach hair and because I'm Italian and really pale and it stands out a lot. How do you suggest I get rid of it? (Besides waxing) and you two are such goals it's so cute

U can use Sally Hansen body hair bleach!! It’s not too strong but still does the trick, you can experiment with leaving it on for different amounts of time :) -Kitten 

My partner is into rough sex, bondage, etc I was wondering, what's an easy and effective way to restrict her? I know what to use (like belts, scarfs etc) but I'm not good at tying stuff up without it coming off kinda easily. Any suggestions? (By the way, we're both girls.)

Shmelloooooo (: I think internet tutorials are probably the best bet for rope knots/tying, or you guys could purchase some handcuffs (like leather ones) that are made for rougher sex and made to last ((:  Or you could just pin her down and hold her there hehe that’s always super hot -Sir and Kitten

there this guy im seeing and i havent told him im chronically ill (Dysautonomia, POTS, EDS, +others) cause im so nervous he'll be afraid of the fact that because of my illness i can't be completely independent and can be high maintenance because of it (take lots of medication, cant smoke or drink, hospital visits, days where i cant get out of bed, ect). :(( Ive had boys stop being interested in me after I've told them and its so hard. How do you approach a guy about this?

If you guys are going to be serious, you’re eventually going to have to be honest and tell him and have that be an open dialogue between you.  If he really cares about you, he’ll stay and not just stay, but support you through the good and the bad and not just the things that are easy, but also those that are hard, and that’s how you know someone really cares about you.  I know it’s hard love, but the person who you ultimately want to be with, you want to be sure is someone who can take care of you when you really need it, you need someone who understands and loves you even more for it.  Love, Kitten 

Please explain how I can try day after day to make my bestfriend happy while this guy literally makes her cry so hard she vomits, but I still get ditched so she could go hang out with him... for the 6th time this week? has been going on for months.

BITCH CALL HER OUTTT!!! That’s what best friends are for.  Call her out on the bullshit, make her see him for the piece of shit he is whether or not she wants to.  He should never make her cry like that or hurt her, ever, and if she’s emotionally attached to him and can’t see through his shit, literally sit her down and give her a serious fucking talk about not wasting her time on someone who clearly doesn’t deserve her. -Kitten

Hey so this is kinda a relationship advice question--me and my bf are seniors in HS and he has a half of his family in a different country and plans to visit for christmas/his bday week. And he will stay 3 weeks so he will miss some school days but the thing was he wanted me to come along with him to celebrate and meet his other family , WHICH is too much for me since I don't speak his home language and I will be such an outsider (cont.)

“He kinda raised this up several times but i really dont want to spend money on plane bc i want to save for my adult life and college, but he says he wants a good trip with me and such. I think its good enough he will visit his family and bringing me is a big extra move. Then he kinda accuses how i dont want what he wants and not valuing what he wants for us, sorry so long!(i feel its too early but we have been tg for 1.5 year) what do you guys think?

He raised this up several times , but he acts like a baby about it. I dont want to spend money on plane or skip some school days plus i feel its an extra move to bring me over to his family where i cant even communicate bc language barrier. Wonder what you guys think bc i feel kitten and sir are best people to seek advice from😩😇”


Awwww okay so with this, there are few things that you can do

You can try and compromise if you’re interested in going at all, this way you can fly with him, visit for a week at most, then give him time to spend with family. 

You two are seniors in high school and something like this is big, flying can be expensive but if you think its worth it then you can do it. Like we said, you can always stay for a shorter time than him, this way you wont miss school, you’ll still get to meet his family, and he’ll also get time alone with family which is nice (:

Be sure to raise your concerns but be positive about it, one thing we do is if one of us shoots down an idea or doesn’t want to do something, we then have to suggest another option or solution.

  • Raise your concerns about the cost of the flight, and propose another time so you’re able to save up the money for it.
  • Express how you do not want to miss school, suggest a time when you wont miss school or to visit for a shorter amount of time.
  • Tell him how the language barrier is a concern for you and you either want to learn some basic conversational skills (hello, goodbye, please,  thank you, nice to meet you, yes, no, ect.) so you have some way to talk to them.

This is something that is a big step for a relationship - going on a trip with the person you’re dating really lets you get to know them when you’re spending your time fully with them out of your normal environment, and secondly, you’re meeting his family/extended family, which is a way of saying “hey you’re important in my life and i want you to get to know more of me, where i’m from, ect”.

Ultimately this is something that shouldn’t be argued about but discussed, raise your concerns and come up with something that you’re both comfortable with timeframe wise, monetarily, and overall.

We hope this helps - Sir and Kitten

Ok so what do you do if you have health problems that may affect your love life? I just got into a relationship with someone I really love and care about and we haven't had sex or anything yet bc I'm scared about my body. I have this not so commonly known skin condition down there and it's not something anyone would find sexy. It's not an std or anything like that but still. What do I do to get over it? I told my bf about it and he doesn't care but I'm still afraid. Help??

Honestly if he says he doesn’t care and you guys have an open, honest relationship, he doesn’t care.  You can work together on making you feel less insecure about it and doing little things like having the lights dimmer or buying cute underwear that makes you feel more confident, and honestly as long as it’s not contagious you’re fine - everyones body has little quirks and no one’s the exact same.  Love, Sir and Kitten

What is your workout plan? @sir

So generally I just do Abs, Arms, Chest, and then Cardio.

I do Arms/Chest 2-3 times a week







- PUSH-UPS (Chest)

I do Abs daily (usually in the morning)
- ¾ SIT-UP






Then I try and run or hike once or twice a week or so, it depends on my time schedule since its harder to block out the time for it.

  • My longer runs are 5 miles at usually @ a 7:45-8:15min pace
  • My shorter runs are usually 3 miles @ a 7:15min pace
  • Sex is my favorite cardio lolol
